Friday, December 5, 2014

Pate Sablee

Pate Sablee or French shortcrust pastry is very versatile and can be used for making the base of tarts and pies. I used Anna Olson's recipe and this dough can be made way in advance and can be frozen for up to three months. I needed to use up 3 egg yolks, so I made 3 portions, the recipe given is for 1 portion.

142g unsalted butter at room temperature
74g icing sugar
228g cake flour (I used plain flour)
1 hard boiled egg yolk
1 raw egg yolk
0.5 tsp vanilla extract
0.25 tsp salt

I forgot to take pictures again.

1. Cream butter and icing sugar together until smooth.

2. Push the cooked egg yolk through a sieve and add the raw egg yolk, salt and vanilla extract to it, stirring till combined.

3. Add this mixture to the butter mix and stir well.

4. Add the flour to the above mix and stir well. Not not overwork the dough. The dough will be very wet.

5. Roll the dough into a disk, wrap with cling wrap and fridge for at least 2 hours before use or freeze the dough for up to 3 months.

I made 3 portions, to be used over 3 months, time to think of tart bakes! :)

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